Why you should Allow Tracking on iOS despite what Apple may suggest.

Jody Milward
2 min readJun 17, 2021


If you are an iPhone user, chances are you’ve updated to the latest operating system — iOS14. Then, as your Apps have updated you may have seen a little prompt that says something like

“This App would like permission to track you across their App and other websites”

And then the choice is yours….

Allow App Not to Track



Perhaps in that moment you see Mel Gibson yelling “FREEDOM” and you feel giddy with power as you ‘stick it to the man’ and you tap “Allow App Not to Track🖕

And with that new sense of empowerment, you open up Airbnb and start looking for accommodation for your next dream vacation.

1 hour later, feeling completely overwhelmed at so many options but not finding the right one, you head over to Facebook to watch some funny cat videos and see what your friends from high school are doing 20 years on.

And in your newsfeed you’re getting ads for

Denture Clinics 🦷

Toddler Toys 🍼

Mobility Scooters 👵


Incontinence Pads 💦 💩

Wouldn’t you rather be getting ads from Expedia, Wotif.com, Airbnb or swanky resorts with all the features you’ve been trying to find for your well earned break?

AND… they have deals going…

get 7 nights for the price of 5 🤩

breakfasts included 🥓 🍳

complimentary bottle of champers on arrival 🍾

A personally curated newsfeed based on things you ARE interested in.

While Apple and alot of publications are celebrating and promoting that you tap the “Do Not Allow Tracking” option, it does not mean you do not get ads in your Newsfeed on Facebook or any other app you may open up.

What it means is that

👉 you will still get served the same number of ads, but they are not likely to be relevant to you👈

Facebook is free to 1.88 billion daily active users.

It’s funded by Advertisers.

Even if there are ads in your newsfeed, the choice is yours whether to…

Tap and learn more

Hide the ad and say ‘show me less ads like this’

Keep on scrolling.

But at least you are getting ads that are relevant to you and providing you with a more enjoyable user experience on the platform — whatever app you use.

If Bono still hasn’t found what he’s been looking for, then it would be a good idea for him to allow tracking… 🎤 🕶

Also, did you know Apple has its own advertising platform, so is it really a matter of privacy or they want to keep the data for themselves?



Jody Milward

Founder, Social Charlie Facebook Ad Agency and Creator of Elite Ad Manger Certification. I train and equip women to make 6 figures running Ads for clients